Commit faa5c2563ef7b5c26fc05bc2067e7ddecc9549f2
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File was created | 1 | <svg width="128" height="128" xmlns=""><path d="M70.66 4.328l14.01 29.693c1.088 2.29 3.177 3.882 5.603 4.25l31.347 4.76c6.087.926 8.528 8.756 4.117 13.247L103.05 79.395c-1.75 1.78-2.544 4.352-2.132 6.867l5.352 32.641c1.043 6.337-5.33 11.182-10.778 8.19l-28.039-15.409a7.13 7.13 0 0 0-6.91 0l-28.039 15.41c-5.448 2.99-11.821-1.854-10.777-8.19l5.352-32.642c.415-2.515-.387-5.088-2.136-6.867L2.264 56.278C-2.146 51.787.286 43.957 6.38 43.031l31.343-4.76c2.419-.368 4.51-1.96 5.595-4.25L57.334 4.328c2.728-5.77 10.605-5.77 13.325 0z"/></svg> |
File was created | 1 | <svg width="128" height="128" xmlns=""><path d="M78.921.052H49.08c-1.865 0-3.198 1.599-3.198 3.464v6.661c0 1.865 1.6 3.464 3.198 3.464h29.84c1.865 0 3.198-1.599 3.198-3.464V3.516C82.385 1.65 80.786.052 78.92.052zm45.563 0H94.642c-1.865 0-3.464 1.599-3.464 3.464v6.661c0 1.865 1.599 3.464 3.464 3.464h29.842c1.865-.266 3.464-1.599 3.464-3.464V3.516c0-1.865-1.599-3.464-3.464-3.464zm0 22.382H40.02c-1.866 0-3.464-1.599-3.464-3.464V3.516c0-1.865-1.599-3.464-3.464-3.464H3.516C1.65.052.052 1.651.052 3.516V124.75c0 1.598 1.599 3.197 3.464 3.197h120.968c1.865 0 3.464-1.599 3.464-3.464V25.898c0-1.865-1.599-3.464-3.464-3.464z"/></svg> |
File was created | 1 | <svg width="128" height="128" xmlns=""><path d="M125.5 36.984L95.336 2.83C93.735 1.018 91.565 0 89.3 0c-2.263 0-4.433 1.018-6.033 2.83l-3.786 4.286c-1.6 1.812-3.77 2.83-6.032 2.831H54.553c-2.263 0-4.434-1.018-6.033-2.83L44.734 2.83C43.134 1.018 40.964 0 38.701 0c-2.263 0-4.434 1.018-6.034 2.83L2.5 36.984C.9 38.796 0 41.254 0 43.815c0 2.562.899 5.02 2.5 6.831L14.565 64.31c2.178 2.468 5.367 3.403 8.33 2.444 1.35-.435 2.709.592 2.709 2.18v49.407c0 5.313 3.84 9.66 8.532 9.66h59.726c4.693 0 8.532-4.347 8.532-9.66V68.934c0-1.59 1.36-2.616 2.71-2.181 2.962.96 6.15.024 8.329-2.444L125.5 50.646c1.6-1.811 2.499-4.269 2.499-6.83 0-2.563-.899-5.02-2.5-6.832z"/></svg> |
File was created | 1 | <svg width="128" height="128" xmlns=""><path d="M44.8 0h79.543C126.78 0 128 1.422 128 4.267v23.466c0 2.845-1.219 4.267-3.657 4.267H44.8c-2.438 0-3.657-1.422-3.657-4.267V4.267C41.143 1.422 42.362 0 44.8 0zm22.857 48h56.686c2.438 0 3.657 1.422 3.657 4.267v23.466c0 2.845-1.219 4.267-3.657 4.267H67.657C65.22 80 64 78.578 64 75.733V52.267C64 49.422 65.219 48 67.657 48zm0 48h56.686c2.438 0 3.657 1.422 3.657 4.267v23.466c0 2.845-1.219 4.267-3.657 4.267H67.657C65.22 128 64 126.578 64 123.733v-23.466C64 97.422 65.219 96 67.657 96zM50.286 68.267c2.02 0 3.657-1.91 3.657-4.267 0-2.356-1.638-4.267-3.657-4.267H17.37V32h6.4c2.02 0 3.658-1.91 3.658-4.267V4.267C27.429 1.91 25.79 0 23.77 0H3.657C1.637 0 0 1.91 0 4.267v23.466C0 30.09 1.637 32 3.657 32h6.4v80c0 2.356 1.638 4.267 3.657 4.267h36.572c2.02 0 3.657-1.91 3.657-4.267 0-2.356-1.638-4.267-3.657-4.267H17.37V68.267h32.915z"/></svg> |
File was created | 1 | <svg width="128" height="110" xmlns=""><path d="M86.635 33.334c1.467 0 2.917.113 4.358.283C87.078 14.392 67.58.111 45.321.111 17.987.055 40.687c0 13.104 6.781 23.863 18.115 32.209l-4.527 14.352 15.82-8.364c5.666 1.182 10.207 2.395 15.858 2.395 1.42 0 2.829-.073 4.227-.189-.886-3.19-1.398-6.53-1.398-9.996 0-20.845 16.98-37.76 38.485-37.76zm-24.34-12.936c3.407 0 5.665 2.363 5.665 5.954 0 3.576-2.258 5.97-5.666 5.97-3.392 0-6.795-2.395-6.795-5.97 0-3.591 3.403-5.954 6.795-5.954zM30.616 32.323c-3.393 0-6.818-2.395-6.818-5.971 0-3.591 3.425-5.954 6.818-5.954 3.392 0 5.65 2.363 5.65 5.954 0 3.576-2.258 5.97-5.65 5.97z"/><path d="M127.945 70.52c0-19.075-18.108-34.623-38.448-34.623-21.537 0-38.5 15.548-38.5 34.623 0 19.108 16.963 34.622 38.5 34.622 4.508 0 9.058-1.2 13.584-2.395l12.414 7.167-3.404-11.923c9.087-7.184 15.854-16.712 15.854-27.471zm-50.928-5.97c-2.254 0-4.53-2.362-4.53-4.773 0-2.378 2.276-4.771 4.53-4.771 3.422 0 5.665 2.393 5.665 4.771 0 2.41-2.243 4.773-5.665 4.773zm24.897 0c-2.24 0-4.498-2.362-4.498-4.773 0-2.378 2.258-4.771 4.498-4.771 3.392 0 5.665 2.393 5.665 4.771 0 2.41-2.273 4.773-5.665 4.773z"/></svg> |
File was created | 1 | <svg width="128" height="128" xmlns=""><path d="M78.527 116.793c.178.008.348.024.527.024h40.233c4.711-.005 8.53-3.677 8.534-8.21V18.895c-.004-4.532-3.823-8.204-8.534-8.209H79.054c-.179 0-.353.016-.527.024V0L0 10.082v107.406l78.527 10.342v-11.037zm0-101.362c.174-.024.348-.052.527-.052h40.233c2.018 0 3.659 1.578 3.659 3.52v89.713c-.003 1.942-1.64 3.517-3.659 3.519H79.054c-.179 0-.353-.028-.527-.052V15.431zM30.262 75.757l-18.721-.46V72.37l11.3-16.673v-.148l-10.266.164v-4.51l17.504-.44v3.264L18.696 70.76v.144l11.566.176v4.678zm9.419.231l-5.823-.144V50.671l5.823-.144v25.461zm22.255-11.632c-2.168 1.922-5.353 2.76-9.02 2.736-.702.004-1.402-.04-2.097-.131v9.303l-5.997-.148V50.743c1.852-.352 4.473-.647 8.218-.743 3.838-.096 6.608.539 8.48 1.913 1.807 1.306 3.032 3.5 3.032 6.112s-.926 4.833-2.612 6.331h-.004zM53.36 54.45c-.856-.01-1.71.083-2.541.275v7.682c.523.116 1.167.152 2.06.152 3.301-.004 5.36-1.614 5.36-4.314 0-2.425-1.772-3.843-4.875-3.791l-.004-.004zm39.847-37.066h9.564v3.795h-9.564v-3.795zm-9.568 5.68h9.564v3.8h-9.564v-3.8zm9.568 6.216h9.564v3.799h-9.564V29.28zm0 12h9.564v3.794h-9.564V41.28zm-9.568-6.096h9.564v3.795h-9.564v-3.795zm9.472 47.064c2.512 0 4.921-.96 6.697-2.67 1.776-1.708 2.773-4.026 2.772-6.442l-1.748-15.263c0-5.033-2.492-9.112-7.725-9.112-5.232 0-7.72 4.079-7.72 9.112l-1.752 15.263c-.001 2.417.996 4.735 2.773 6.444 1.777 1.71 4.187 2.669 6.7 2.668h.003zm-3.135-16.75h6.27v12.743h-6.27V65.5z"/></svg> |
1 | import Vue from 'vue' | 1 | import Vue from 'vue' |
2 | import Router from 'vue-router' | 2 | import Router from 'vue-router' |
3 | 3 | ||
4 | Vue.use(Router) | 4 | Vue.use(Router) |
5 | 5 | ||
6 | /* Layout */ | 6 | /* Layout */ |
7 | import Layout from '@/layout' | 7 | import Layout from '@/layout' |
8 | 8 | ||
9 | /** | 9 | /** |
10 | * Note: sub-menu only appear when route children.length >= 1 | 10 | * Note: sub-menu only appear when route children.length >= 1 |
11 | * Detail see: | 11 | * Detail see: |
12 | * | 12 | * |
13 | * hidden: true if set true, item will not show in the sidebar(default is false) | 13 | * hidden: true if set true, item will not show in the sidebar(default is false) |
14 | * alwaysShow: true if set true, will always show the root menu | 14 | * alwaysShow: true if set true, will always show the root menu |
15 | * if not set alwaysShow, when item has more than one children route, | 15 | * if not set alwaysShow, when item has more than one children route, |
16 | * it will becomes nested mode, otherwise not show the root menu | 16 | * it will becomes nested mode, otherwise not show the root menu |
17 | * redirect: noRedirect if set noRedirect will no redirect in the breadcrumb | 17 | * redirect: noRedirect if set noRedirect will no redirect in the breadcrumb |
18 | * name:'router-name' the name is used by <keep-alive> (must set!!!) | 18 | * name:'router-name' the name is used by <keep-alive> (must set!!!) |
19 | * meta : { | 19 | * meta : { |
20 | roles: ['admin','editor'] control the page roles (you can set multiple roles) | 20 | roles: ['admin','editor'] control the page roles (you can set multiple roles) |
21 | title: 'title' the name show in sidebar and breadcrumb (recommend set) | 21 | title: 'title' the name show in sidebar and breadcrumb (recommend set) |
22 | icon: 'svg-name' the icon show in the sidebar | 22 | icon: 'svg-name' the icon show in the sidebar |
23 | breadcrumb: false if set false, the item will hidden in breadcrumb(default is true) | 23 | breadcrumb: false if set false, the item will hidden in breadcrumb(default is true) |
24 | activeMenu: '/example/list' if set path, the sidebar will highlight the path you set | 24 | activeMenu: '/example/list' if set path, the sidebar will highlight the path you set |
25 | } | 25 | } |
26 | */ | 26 | */ |
27 | 27 | ||
28 | /** | 28 | /** |
29 | * constantRoutes | 29 | * constantRoutes |
30 | * a base page that does not have permission requirements | 30 | * a base page that does not have permission requirements |
31 | * all roles can be accessed | 31 | * all roles can be accessed |
32 | */ | 32 | */ |
33 | export const constantRoutes = [{ | 33 | export const constantRoutes = [{ |
34 | path: '/login', | 34 | path: '/login', |
35 | component: () => import('@/views/login/index'), | 35 | component: () => import('@/views/login/index'), |
36 | hidden: true | 36 | hidden: true |
37 | }, | 37 | }, |
38 | |||
39 | { | 38 | { |
40 | path: '/404', | 39 | path: '/404', |
41 | component: () => import('@/views/404'), | 40 | component: () => import('@/views/404'), |
42 | hidden: true | 41 | hidden: true |
43 | }, | 42 | }, |
44 | |||
45 | { | 43 | { |
46 | path: '/', | 44 | path: '/', |
47 | component: Layout, | 45 | component: Layout, |
48 | redirect: '/dashboard', | 46 | redirect: '/dashboard', |
49 | children: [{ | 47 | children: [{ |
50 | path: 'dashboard', | 48 | path: 'dashboard', |
51 | name: 'Dashboard', | 49 | name: 'Dashboard', |
52 | component: () => import('@/views/dashboard/index'), | 50 | component: () => import('@/views/dashboard/index'), |
53 | meta: { | 51 | meta: { |
54 | title: '中控台', | 52 | title: '中控台', |
55 | icon: 'dashboard' | 53 | icon: 'dashboard' |
56 | } | 54 | } |
57 | }] | 55 | }] |
58 | }, | 56 | }, |
59 | { | 57 | { |
60 | path: '/user', | 58 | path: '/user', //用户管理 |
61 | component: Layout, | 59 | component: Layout, |
62 | redirect: '/user/list', | 60 | redirect: '/user/list', |
63 | name: 'user', | 61 | name: 'user', |
64 | meta: { | 62 | meta: { |
65 | title: '用户管理', | 63 | title: '用户管理', |
66 | icon: 'example' | 64 | icon: 'people' |
67 | }, | 65 | }, |
68 | children: [{ | 66 | children: [{ |
69 | path: 'user', | 67 | path: 'user', |
70 | name: 'User', | 68 | name: 'User', |
71 | component: () => import('@/views/table/index'), | 69 | component: () => import('@/views/table/index'), |
72 | meta: { | 70 | meta: { |
73 | title: '用户列表', | 71 | title: '用户列表', |
74 | icon: 'table' | 72 | icon: 'peoples' |
75 | } | ||
76 | }, | ||
77 | { | ||
78 | path: 'tree', | ||
79 | name: 'Table', | ||
80 | component: () => import('@/views/tree/index'), | ||
81 | meta: { | ||
82 | title: 'Tree', | ||
83 | icon: 'tree' | ||
84 | } | 73 | } |
85 | } | 74 | } |
75 | // , | ||
76 | // { | ||
77 | // path: 'tree', | ||
78 | // name: '', | ||
79 | // component: () => import('@/views/tree/index'), | ||
80 | // meta: { | ||
81 | // title: '权限控制', | ||
82 | // icon: 'lock' | ||
83 | // } | ||
84 | // } | ||
86 | ] | 85 | ] |
87 | }, | 86 | }, |
88 | { | 87 | { |
89 | path: '/example', | 88 | path: '/shop', |
90 | component: Layout, | 89 | component: Layout, |
91 | redirect: '/example/table', | ||
92 | name: 'Example', | ||
93 | meta: { | 90 | meta: { |
94 | title: '商家管理', | 91 | title: '商家管理', |
95 | icon: 'example' | 92 | icon: 'shopping' |
96 | }, | 93 | }, |
97 | children: [{ | 94 | children: [{ |
98 | path: 'table', | 95 | path: 'shop', |
99 | name: 'Table', | 96 | name: 'Shop', |
100 | component: () => import('@/views/table/index'), | 97 | component: () => import('@/views/table/index'), |
101 | meta: { | 98 | meta: { |
102 | title: 'Table', | 99 | title: '商家列表', |
103 | icon: 'table' | 100 | icon: 'table' |
104 | } | 101 | } |
105 | }, | 102 | }, |
106 | { | 103 | { |
107 | path: 'tree', | 104 | path: 'tree', |
108 | name: 'Tree', | 105 | name: 'Tree', |
109 | component: () => import('@/views/tree/index'), | 106 | component: () => import('@/views/tree/index'), |
110 | meta: { | 107 | meta: { |
111 | title: 'Tree', | 108 | title: '图片分析', |
112 | icon: 'tree' | 109 | icon: 'chart' |
113 | } | 110 | } |
114 | } | 111 | } |
115 | ] | 112 | ] |
116 | }, | 113 | }, |
117 | { | 114 | { |
118 | path: '/example', | 115 | path: '/prod', |
119 | component: Layout, | 116 | component: Layout, |
120 | redirect: '/example/table', | 117 | redirect: '/prod/table', |
121 | name: 'Example', | 118 | name: 'Prod', |
122 | meta: { | 119 | meta: { |
123 | title: '产品管理', | 120 | title: '产品管理', |
124 | icon: 'example' | 121 | icon: 'tree' |
125 | }, | 122 | }, |
126 | children: [{ | 123 | children: [{ |
127 | path: 'table', | 124 | path: 'table', |
128 | name: 'Table', | 125 | name: 'Tree', |
129 | component: () => import('@/views/table/index'), | ||
130 | meta: { | 126 | meta: { |
131 | title: 'Table', | 127 | title: '成镜', |
132 | icon: 'table' | 128 | icon: 'tree-table' |
133 | } | 129 | }, |
130 | children: [{ | ||
131 | path: 'table', | ||
132 | name: 'tree', | ||
133 | component: () => import('@/views/tree/index'), | ||
134 | meta: { | ||
135 | title: '款式索引', | ||
136 | icon: 'tree-table' | ||
137 | }, | ||
138 | children: [{ | ||
139 | path: 'table', | ||
140 | name: 'Table1', | ||
141 | component: () => import('@/views/table/index'), | ||
142 | meta: { | ||
143 | title: '青春学子风', | ||
144 | icon: 'guide' | ||
145 | } | ||
146 | },{ | ||
147 | path: 'table', | ||
148 | name: 'Table1', | ||
149 | component: () => import('@/views/table/index'), | ||
150 | meta: { | ||
151 | title: '质感哥特风', | ||
152 | icon: 'guide' | ||
153 | } | ||
154 | }] | ||
155 | },{ | ||
156 | path: 'table', | ||
157 | name: 'tree', | ||
158 | component: () => import('@/views/table/index'), | ||
159 | meta: { | ||
160 | title: '颜色索引', | ||
161 | icon: 'tree-table' | ||
162 | } | ||
163 | }] | ||
134 | }, | 164 | }, |
135 | { | 165 | { |
136 | path: 'tree', | 166 | path: 'tree', |
137 | name: 'Tree', | 167 | name: 'Tree', |
138 | component: () => import('@/views/tree/index'), | 168 | component: () => import('@/views/table/index'), |
139 | meta: { | 169 | meta: { |
140 | title: 'Tree', | 170 | title: '镜片', |
141 | icon: 'tree' | 171 | icon: 'tree-table' |
142 | } | 172 | } |
143 | } | 173 | } |
144 | ] | 174 | ] |
145 | }, | 175 | }, |
146 | { | 176 | { |
147 | path: '/example', | 177 | path: '/Meta', |
148 | component: Layout, | 178 | component: Layout, |
149 | redirect: '/example/table', | 179 | redirect: '/meta/table', |
150 | name: 'Example', | 180 | name: 'Meta', |
151 | meta: { | 181 | meta: { |
152 | title: '元管理', | 182 | title: '元管理', |
153 | icon: 'example' | 183 | icon: 'guide' |
154 | }, | 184 | }, |
155 | children: [{ | 185 | children: [{ |
156 | path: 'table', | 186 | path: 'table', |
157 | name: 'Table', | 187 | name: 'Table', |
158 | component: () => import('@/views/table/index'), | 188 | component: () => import('@/views/table/index'), |
159 | meta: { | 189 | meta: { |
160 | title: 'Table', | 190 | title: 'Table', |
161 | icon: 'table' | 191 | icon: 'table' |
162 | } | 192 | } |
163 | }, | 193 | }, |
164 | { | 194 | { |
165 | path: 'tree', | 195 | path: 'tree', |
166 | name: 'Tree', | 196 | name: 'Tree', |
167 | component: () => import('@/views/tree/index'), | 197 | component: () => import('@/views/tree/index'), |
168 | meta: { | 198 | meta: { |
169 | title: 'Tree', | 199 | title: 'Tree', |
170 | icon: 'tree' | 200 | icon: 'tree' |
171 | } | 201 | } |
172 | } | 202 | } |
173 | ] | 203 | ] |
174 | }, | 204 | }, |
175 | { | 205 | { |
176 | path: '/example', | 206 | path: '/trade', |
177 | component: Layout, | 207 | component: Layout, |
178 | redirect: '/example/table', | 208 | redirect: '/example/table', |
179 | name: 'Example', | 209 | name: 'Trade', |
180 | meta: { | 210 | meta: { |
181 | title: '交易管理', | 211 | title: '交易管理', |
182 | icon: 'example' | 212 | icon: 'money' |
183 | }, | 213 | }, |
184 | children: [{ | 214 | children: [{ |
185 | path: 'table', | 215 | path: 'table', |
186 | name: 'Table', | 216 | name: 'Table', |
187 | component: () => import('@/views/table/index'), | 217 | component: () => import('@/views/table/index'), |
188 | meta: { | 218 | meta: { |
189 | title: 'Table', | 219 | title: '成交清单', |
190 | icon: 'table' | 220 | icon: 'table' |
191 | } | 221 | } |
192 | }, | 222 | }, |
193 | { | 223 | { |
194 | path: 'tree', | 224 | path: 'tree', |
195 | name: 'Tree', | 225 | name: 'Tree', |
196 | component: () => import('@/views/tree/index'), | 226 | component: () => import('@/views/tree/index'), |
197 | meta: { | 227 | meta: { |
198 | title: 'Tree', | 228 | title: '未成交清单', |
199 | icon: 'tree' | 229 | icon: 'table' |
200 | } | 230 | } |
201 | } | 231 | } |
202 | ] | 232 | ] |
203 | }, { | 233 | }, { |
204 | path: '/example', | 234 | path: '/recommand', |
205 | component: Layout, | 235 | component: Layout, |
206 | redirect: '/example/table', | 236 | redirect: '/recommand/table', |
207 | name: 'Example', | 237 | name: 'Recommand', |
208 | meta: { | 238 | meta: { |
209 | title: '推荐系统', | 239 | title: '推荐系统', |
210 | icon: 'example' | 240 | icon: 'size' |
211 | }, | 241 | }, |
212 | children: [{ | 242 | children: [{ |
213 | path: 'table', | 243 | path: 'table', |
214 | name: 'Table', | 244 | name: 'Table', |
215 | component: () => import('@/views/table/index'), | 245 | component: () => import('@/views/table/index'), |
216 | meta: { | 246 | meta: { |
217 | title: 'Table', | 247 | title: '推荐系统教学', |
218 | icon: 'table' | 248 | icon: 'table' |
219 | } | ||
220 | }, | ||
221 | { | ||
222 | path: 'tree', | ||
223 | name: 'Tree', | ||
224 | component: () => import('@/views/tree/index'), | ||
225 | meta: { | ||
226 | title: 'Tree', | ||
227 | icon: 'tree' | ||
228 | } | ||
229 | } | 249 | } |
230 | ] | 250 | }] |
231 | }, { | 251 | }, { |
232 | path: '/system', | 252 | path: '/system', |
233 | component: Layout, | 253 | component: Layout, |
234 | redirect: '/system/table', | 254 | redirect: '/system/table', |
235 | name: 'System', | 255 | name: 'System', |
236 | meta: { | 256 | meta: { |
237 | title: '系统设置', | 257 | title: '系统设置', |
238 | icon: 'example' | 258 | icon: 'component' |
239 | }, | 259 | }, |
240 | children: [{ | 260 | children: [{ |
241 | path: 'table', | 261 | path: 'hangye_seting', |
242 | name: 'Table', | 262 | name: 'Hangye', |
243 | component: () => import('@/views/table/index'), | 263 | component: () => import('@/views/table/index'), |
244 | meta: { | 264 | meta: { |
245 | title: '行业设置', | 265 | title: '行业设置', |
246 | icon: 'table' | 266 | icon: 'guide' |
247 | } | 267 | } |
248 | }, | 268 | }, |
249 | { | 269 | { |
250 | path: 'tree', | 270 | path: 'language_seting', |
251 | name: 'Tree', | 271 | name: 'Language', |
252 | component: () => import('@/views/tree/index'), | 272 | component: () => import('@/views/tree/index'), |
253 | meta: { | 273 | meta: { |
254 | title: '语言设置', | 274 | title: '语言设置', |
255 | icon: 'tree' | 275 | icon: 'language' |
256 | } | 276 | } |
257 | }, | 277 | }, |
258 | { | 278 | { |
259 | path: 'tree', | 279 | path: 'money_seting', |
260 | name: 'Tree', | 280 | name: 'Money', |
261 | component: () => import('@/views/tree/index'), | 281 | component: () => import('@/views/tree/index'), |
262 | meta: { | 282 | meta: { |
263 | title: '货币设置', | 283 | title: '货币设置', |
264 | icon: 'tree' | 284 | icon: 'money' |
265 | } | 285 | } |
266 | }, | 286 | }, |
267 | { | 287 | { |
268 | path: 'tree', | 288 | path: 'site_seting', |
269 | name: 'Tree', | 289 | name: 'Site', |
270 | component: () => import('@/views/tree/index'), | 290 | component: () => import('@/views/tree/index'), |
271 | meta: { | 291 | meta: { |
272 | title: '站点类型设置', | 292 | title: '站点类型设置', |
273 | icon: 'tree' | 293 | icon: 'form' |
274 | } | 294 | } |
275 | }, | 295 | }, |
276 | { | 296 | { |
277 | path: 'tree', | 297 | path: 'template_seting', |
278 | name: 'Tree', | 298 | name: 'Template', |
279 | component: () => import('@/views/tree/index'), | 299 | component: () => import('@/views/tree/index'), |
280 | meta: { | 300 | meta: { |
281 | title: '模版设置', | 301 | title: '模版设置', |
282 | icon: 'tree' | 302 | icon: 'theme' |
283 | } | 303 | } |
284 | }, | 304 | }, |
285 | { | 305 | { |
286 | path: 'tree', | 306 | path: 'power_seting', |
287 | name: 'Tree', | 307 | name: 'Power', |
288 | component: () => import('@/views/tree/index'), | 308 | component: () => import('@/views/tree/index'), |
289 | meta: { | 309 | meta: { |
290 | title: '权限设置', | 310 | title: '权限设置', |
291 | icon: 'tree' | 311 | icon: 'password' |
292 | } | 312 | } |
293 | } | 313 | } |
294 | ] | 314 | ] |
295 | }, | 315 | }, |
296 | { | 316 | { |
297 | path: '/form', | 317 | path: '/form', |
298 | component: Layout, | 318 | component: Layout, |
299 | children: [{ | 319 | children: [{ |
300 | path: 'index', | 320 | path: 'index', |
301 | name: 'Form', | 321 | name: 'Form', |
302 | component: () => import('@/views/form/index'), | 322 | component: () => import('@/views/form/index'), |
303 | meta: { | 323 | meta: { |
304 | title: 'Form', | 324 | title: 'Form', |
305 | icon: 'form' | 325 | icon: 'form' |
306 | } | 326 | } |
307 | }] | 327 | }] |
308 | } | 328 | } |
309 | ] | 329 | ] |
310 | 330 | ||
311 | /** | 331 | /** |
312 | * asyncRoutes | 332 | * asyncRoutes |
313 | * the routes that need to be dynamically loaded based on user roles | 333 | * the routes that need to be dynamically loaded based on user roles |
314 | */ | 334 | */ |
315 | export const asyncRoutes = [ | 335 | export const asyncRoutes = [ |
316 | // 404 page must be placed at the end !!! | 336 | // 404 page must be placed at the end !!! |
1 | import { asyncRoutes, constantRoutes } from '@/router' | 1 | import { asyncRoutes, constantRoutes } from '@/router' |
2 | 2 | ||
3 | /** | 3 | /** |
4 | * Use meta.role to determine if the current user has permission | 4 | * Use meta.role to determine if the current user has permission |
5 | * @param roles | 5 | * @param roles |
6 | * @param route | 6 | * @param route |
7 | */ | 7 | */ |
8 | function hasPermission(roles, route) { | 8 | function hasPermission(roles, route) { |
9 | if (route.meta && route.meta.roles) { | 9 | if (route.meta && route.meta.roles) { |
10 | return roles.some(role => route.meta.roles.includes(role)) | 10 | return roles.some(role => route.meta.roles.includes(role)) |
11 | } else { | 11 | } else { |
12 | return true | 12 | return true |
13 | } | 13 | } |
14 | } | 14 | } |
15 | 15 | ||
16 | /** | 16 | /** |
17 | * Filter asynchronous routing tables by recursion | 17 | * Filter asynchronous routing tables by recursion |
18 | * @param routes asyncRoutes | 18 | * @param routes asyncRoutes |
19 | * @param roles | 19 | * @param roles |
20 | */ | 20 | */ |
21 | export function filterAsyncRoutes(routes, roles) { | 21 | export function filterAsyncRoutes(routes, roles) { |
22 | const res = [] | 22 | const res = [] |
23 | |||
24 | routes.forEach(route => { | 23 | routes.forEach(route => { |
25 | const tmp = { ...route } | 24 | const tmp = { ...route } |
26 | if (hasPermission(roles, tmp)) { | 25 | if (hasPermission(roles, tmp)) { |
27 | if (tmp.children) { | 26 | if (tmp.children) { |
28 | tmp.children = filterAsyncRoutes(tmp.children, roles) | 27 | tmp.children = filterAsyncRoutes(tmp.children, roles) |
29 | } | 28 | } |
30 | res.push(tmp) | 29 | res.push(tmp) |
31 | } | 30 | } |
32 | }) | 31 | }) |
33 | 32 | ||
34 | return res | 33 | return res |
35 | } | 34 | } |
36 | 35 | ||
37 | const state = { | 36 | const state = { |
38 | routes: [], | 37 | routes: [], |
39 | addRoutes: [] | 38 | addRoutes: [] |
40 | } | 39 | } |
41 | 40 | ||
42 | const mutations = { | 41 | const mutations = { |
43 | SET_ROUTES: (state, routes) => { | 42 | SET_ROUTES: (state, routes) => { |
44 | state.addRoutes = routes | 43 | state.addRoutes = routes |
45 | state.routes = constantRoutes.concat(routes) | 44 | state.routes = constantRoutes.concat(routes) |
46 | } | 45 | } |
47 | } | 46 | } |
48 | 47 | //根据动作进行判断 | |
49 | const actions = { | 48 | const actions = { |
50 | generateRoutes({ commit }, roles) { | 49 | generateRoutes({ commit }, roles) { |
51 | return new Promise(resolve => { | 50 | return new Promise(resolve => { |
52 | let accessedRoutes | 51 | let accessedRoutes |
53 | if (roles.includes('admin')) { | 52 | if (roles.includes('admin')) { |
53 | console.log('------------generateRoutes----asyncRoutes-----------', asyncRoutes, roles); | ||
54 | accessedRoutes = asyncRoutes || [] | 54 | accessedRoutes = asyncRoutes || [] |
55 | } else { | 55 | } else { |
56 | accessedRoutes = filterAsyncRoutes(asyncRoutes, roles) | 56 | accessedRoutes = filterAsyncRoutes(asyncRoutes, roles) |
57 | accessedRoutes.push({}); | ||
57 | } | 58 | } |
58 | commit('SET_ROUTES', accessedRoutes) | 59 | commit('SET_ROUTES', accessedRoutes) |
59 | resolve(accessedRoutes) | 60 | resolve(accessedRoutes) |
60 | }) | 61 | }) |
61 | } | 62 | } |
62 | } | 63 | } |
63 | 64 | ||
64 | export default { | 65 | export default { |
65 | namespaced: true, | 66 | namespaced: true, |
66 | state, | 67 | state, |
67 | mutations, | 68 | mutations, |
68 | actions | 69 | actions |
69 | } | 70 | } |
1 | import { | 1 | import { |
2 | login, | 2 | login, |
3 | logout, | 3 | logout, |
4 | getInfo | 4 | getInfo |
5 | } from '@/api/user' | 5 | } from '@/api/user' |
6 | import { | 6 | import { |
7 | getToken, | 7 | getToken, |
8 | setToken, | 8 | setToken, |
9 | removeToken | 9 | removeToken |
10 | } from '@/utils/auth' | 10 | } from '@/utils/auth' |
11 | import { | 11 | import { |
12 | resetRouter | 12 | resetRouter |
13 | } from '@/router' | 13 | } from '@/router' |
14 | 14 | ||
15 | const getDefaultState = () => { | 15 | const getDefaultState = () => { |
16 | return { | 16 | return { |
17 | token: getToken(), | 17 | token: getToken(), |
18 | name: '', | 18 | name: '', |
19 | avatar: '', | 19 | avatar: '', |
20 | roles: [] | 20 | roles: [] |
21 | } | 21 | } |
22 | } | 22 | } |
23 | 23 | ||
24 | const state = getDefaultState() | 24 | const state = getDefaultState() |
25 | 25 | ||
26 | const mutations = { | 26 | const mutations = { |
27 | RESET_STATE: (state) => { | 27 | RESET_STATE: (state) => { |
28 | Object.assign(state, getDefaultState()) | 28 | Object.assign(state, getDefaultState()) |
29 | }, | 29 | }, |
30 | SET_TOKEN: (state, token) => { | 30 | SET_TOKEN: (state, token) => { |
31 | state.token = token | 31 | state.token = token |
32 | }, | 32 | }, |
33 | SET_NAME: (state, name) => { | 33 | SET_NAME: (state, name) => { |
34 | = name | 34 | = name |
35 | }, | 35 | }, |
36 | SET_AVATAR: (state, avatar) => { | 36 | SET_AVATAR: (state, avatar) => { |
37 | state.avatar = avatar | 37 | state.avatar = avatar |
38 | }, | 38 | }, |
39 | SET_ROLES: (state, roles) => { | 39 | SET_ROLES: (state, roles) => { |
40 | state.roles = roles | 40 | state.roles = roles |
41 | } | 41 | } |
42 | } | 42 | } |
43 | 43 | ||
44 | const actions = { | 44 | const actions = { |
45 | // user login | 45 | // user login |
46 | login({ | 46 | login({ |
47 | commit | 47 | commit |
48 | }, userInfo) { | 48 | }, userInfo) { |
49 | const { | 49 | const { |
50 | username, | 50 | username, |
51 | password | 51 | password |
52 | } = userInfo | 52 | } = userInfo |
53 | return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { | 53 | return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { |
54 | login({ | 54 | login({ |
55 | username: username.trim(), | 55 | username: username.trim(), |
56 | password: password | 56 | password: password |
57 | }).then(response => { | 57 | }).then(response => { |
58 | console.log('返回的数据-- step 3------>', response); | 58 | console.log('返回的数据-- step 3------>', response); |
59 | // const { token, name, id, password } = response | 59 | // const { token, name, id, password } = response |
60 | const {token,name} = response | 60 | const { |
61 | token, | ||
62 | name | ||
63 | } = response | ||
61 | console.log('返回的数据-- step 4------>', response); | 64 | console.log('返回的数据-- step 4------>', response); |
62 | commit('SET_TOKEN', token) | 65 | commit('SET_TOKEN', token) |
63 | setToken(token) | 66 | setToken(token) |
64 | resolve() | 67 | resolve() |
65 | }).catch(error => { | 68 | }).catch(error => { |
66 | console.log('返回的数据-- step 4.1------>', error); | 69 | console.log('返回的数据-- step 4.1------>', error); |
67 | reject(error) | 70 | reject(error) |
68 | }) | 71 | }) |
69 | }) | 72 | }) |
70 | }, | 73 | }, |
71 | 74 | ||
72 | // get user info | 75 | // get user info |
73 | getInfo({ | 76 | getInfo({ |
74 | commit, | 77 | commit, |
75 | state | 78 | state |
76 | }) { | 79 | }) { |
77 | return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { | 80 | return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { |
78 | getInfo(state.token).then(response => { | 81 | getInfo(state.token).then(response => { |
79 | console.log('返回的数据-- step 5------>', state); | 82 | console.log('返回的数据-- step 5------>', state); |
80 | console.log('返回的数据-- step 5.1------>', response); | 83 | console.log('返回的数据-- step 5.1------>', response); |
81 | const {avatar,id,name,password,roles,token} = response | 84 | const { |
85 | avatar, | ||
86 | id, | ||
87 | name, | ||
88 | password, | ||
89 | roles, | ||
90 | token | ||
91 | } = response | ||
82 | if (!roles) { | 92 | if (!roles) { |
83 | reject('Verification failed, please Login again.') | 93 | reject('Verification failed, please Login again.') |
84 | } | 94 | } |
85 | console.error('返回的数据-- step 5.2------>', response); | 95 | console.error('返回的数据-- step 5.2------>', response); |
86 | // roles must be a non-empty array | 96 | // roles must be a non-empty array |
87 | if (!roles || roles.length <= 0) { | 97 | if (!roles || roles.length <= 0) { |
88 | reject('getInfo: roles must be a non-null array!') | 98 | reject('getInfo: roles must be a non-null array!') |
89 | } | 99 | } |
90 | commit('SET_ROLES', roles) | 100 | commit('SET_ROLES', roles) |
91 | commit('SET_NAME', name) | 101 | commit('SET_NAME', name) |
92 | commit('SET_AVATAR', avatar) | 102 | commit('SET_AVATAR', avatar) |
93 | resolve(response) | 103 | resolve(response) |
94 | }).catch(error => { | 104 | }).catch(error => { |
95 | console.log('返回的数据-- step 5.3------>', error); | 105 | console.log('返回的数据-- step 5.3------>', error); |
96 | reject(error) | 106 | reject(error) |
97 | }) | 107 | }) |
98 | }) | 108 | }) |
99 | }, | 109 | }, |
100 | 110 | ||
101 | // user logout | 111 | // user logout |
102 | logout({ | 112 | logout({ |
103 | commit, | 113 | commit, |
104 | state | 114 | state |
105 | }) { | 115 | }) { |
106 | return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { | 116 | return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { |
107 | logout(state.token).then(() => { | 117 | logout(state.token).then(() => { |
108 | removeToken() // must remove token first | 118 | removeToken() // must remove token first |
109 | resetRouter() | 119 | resetRouter() |
110 | commit('RESET_STATE') | 120 | commit('RESET_STATE') |
111 | resolve() | 121 | resolve() |
112 | }).catch(error => { | 122 | }).catch(error => { |
113 | reject(error) | 123 | reject(error) |
114 | }) | 124 | }) |
115 | }) | 125 | }) |
116 | }, | 126 | }, |
117 | 127 | ||
118 | // remove token | 128 | // remove token |
119 | resetToken({ | 129 | resetToken({ |
120 | commit | 130 | commit |
121 | }) { | 131 | }) { |
122 | return new Promise(resolve => { | 132 | return new Promise(resolve => { |
123 | removeToken() // must remove token first | 133 | removeToken() // must remove token first |
124 | commit('RESET_STATE') | 134 | commit('RESET_STATE') |
125 | resolve() | 135 | resolve() |
126 | }) | 136 | }) |
127 | } | 137 | } |
128 | } | 138 | } |
129 | 139 | ||
130 | export default { | 140 | export default { |
131 | namespaced: true, | 141 | namespaced: true, |
132 | state, | 142 | state, |
133 | mutations, | 143 | mutations, |
134 | actions | 144 | actions |
135 | } | 145 | } |
136 | 146 |
1 | <template> | 1 | <template> |
2 | <div class="app-container"> | 2 | <div class="app-container"> |
3 | <el-table | 3 | <el-table |
4 | v-loading="listLoading" | 4 | v-loading="listLoading" |
5 | :data="list" | 5 | :data="list" |
6 | element-loading-text="Loading" | 6 | element-loading-text="Loading" |
7 | border | 7 | border |
8 | fit | 8 | fit |
9 | highlight-current-row | 9 | highlight-current-row |
10 | > | 10 | > |
11 | <el-table-column align="center" label="用户id"> | 11 | <el-table-column align="center" label="用户id"> |
12 | <template slot-scope="scope">{{ scope.$index }}</template> | 12 | <template slot-scope="scope">{{ scope.$index }}</template> |
13 | </el-table-column> | 13 | </el-table-column> |
14 | 14 | ||
15 | <el-table-column label="openid"> | 15 | <el-table-column label="openid"> |
16 | <template slot-scope="scope">{{ scope.row.openid }}</template> | 16 | <template slot-scope="scope">{{ scope.row.openid }}</template> |
17 | </el-table-column> | 17 | </el-table-column> |
18 | 18 | ||
19 | <el-table-column label="昵称" width="110" align="center"> | 19 | <el-table-column label="昵称" width="110" align="center"> |
20 | <template slot-scope="scope"> | 20 | <template slot-scope="scope"> |
21 | <span>{{ scope.row.username }}</span> | 21 | <span>{{ scope.row.username }}</span> |
22 | </template> | 22 | </template> |
23 | </el-table-column> | 23 | </el-table-column> |
24 | 24 | ||
25 | <el-table-column label="头像" width="110" align="center"> | 25 | <el-table-column label="头像" width="110" align="center"> |
26 | <template slot-scope="scope">{{ scope.row.avatar }}</template> | 26 | <template slot-scope="scope">{{ scope.row.avatar }}</template> |
27 | </el-table-column> | 27 | </el-table-column> |
28 | 28 | ||
29 | <el-table-column class-name="status-col" label="状态" align="center"> | 29 | <el-table-column class-name="status-col" label="状态" align="center"> |
30 | <template slot-scope="scope"> | 30 | <template slot-scope="scope"> |
31 | <el-tag :type="scope.row.status | statusFilter">{{ scope.row.status }}</el-tag> | 31 | <el-tag :type="scope.row.status | statusFilter">{{ scope.row.status }}</el-tag> |
32 | </template> | 32 | </template> |
33 | </el-table-column> | 33 | </el-table-column> |
34 | 34 | ||
35 | <el-table-column align="center" prop="created_at" label="注册时间"> | 35 | <el-table-column align="center" prop="created_at" label="注册时间"> |
36 | <template slot-scope="scope"> | 36 | <template slot-scope="scope"> |
37 | <i class="el-icon-time" /> | 37 | <i class="el-icon-time" /> |
38 | <span>{{ scope.row.create_at }}</span> | 38 | <span>{{ scope.row.create_at }}</span> |
39 | </template> | 39 | </template> |
40 | </el-table-column> | 40 | </el-table-column> |
41 | <el-table-column align="center" prop="created_at" label="成交记录"> | 41 | <el-table-column align="center" prop="created_at" label="成交记录"> |
42 | <template slot-scope="scope"> | 42 | <template slot-scope="scope"> |
43 | <i class="el-icon-time" /> | 43 | <i class="el-icon-time" /> |
44 | <span>{{ scope.row.pageviews }}</span> | 44 | <span>{{ scope.row.pageviews }}</span> |
45 | </template> | 45 | </template> |
46 | </el-table-column> | 46 | </el-table-column> |
47 | <el-table-column align="center" prop="created_at" label="引流图"> | 47 | <el-table-column align="center" prop="created_at" label="引流图"> |
48 | <template slot-scope="scope"> | 48 | <template slot-scope="scope"> |
49 | <span> | 49 | <span> |
50 | <el-button type="primary">子用户{{scope.row.pageviews}}</el-button> | 50 | <el-button type="primary">子用户{{scope.row.pageviews}}</el-button> |
51 | </span> | 51 | </span> |
52 | </template> | 52 | </template> |
53 | </el-table-column> | 53 | </el-table-column> |
54 | </el-table> | 54 | </el-table> |
55 | <el-pagination background layout="prev, pager, next" :total="100"></el-pagination> | 55 | <el-pagination background layout="prev, pager, next" :total="100"></el-pagination> |
56 | </div> | 56 | </div> |
57 | </template> | 57 | </template> |
58 | 58 | ||
59 | <script> | 59 | <script> |
60 | import { getList } from "@/api/table"; | 60 | import { getList } from "@/api/table"; |
61 | 61 | ||
62 | export default { | 62 | export default { |
63 | filters: { | 63 | filters: { |
64 | statusFilter(status) { | 64 | statusFilter(status) { |
65 | const statusMap = { | 65 | const statusMap = { |
66 | published: "success", | 66 | published: "success", |
67 | draft: "gray", | 67 | draft: "gray", |
68 | deleted: "danger" | 68 | deleted: "danger" |
69 | }; | 69 | }; |
70 | return statusMap[status]; | 70 | return statusMap[status]; |
71 | } | 71 | } |
72 | }, | 72 | }, |
73 | data() { | 73 | data() { |
74 | return { | 74 | return { |
75 | list: null, | 75 | list: null, |
76 | listLoading: true | 76 | listLoading: true |
77 | }; | 77 | }; |
78 | }, | 78 | }, |
79 | created() { | 79 | created() { |
80 | this.fetchData(); | 80 | this.fetchData(); |
81 | }, | 81 | }, |
82 | methods: { | 82 | methods: { |
83 | fetchData() { | 83 | fetchData() { |
84 | this.listLoading = true; | 84 | this.listLoading = true; |
85 | getList().then(response => { | 85 | getList().then(response => { |
86 | console.log("----getList---", response); | 86 | console.log("----getList---", response); |
87 | this.list =; | 87 | this.list = response.items; |
88 | this.listLoading = false; | 88 | this.listLoading = false; |
89 | }); | 89 | }); |
90 | } | 90 | } |
91 | } | 91 | } |
92 | }; | 92 | }; |
93 | </script> | 93 | </script> |
94 | 94 |