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<template> <view> <page-head :title="title"></page-head> <view class="uni-padding-wrap uni-common-mt"> <view class="uni-btn-v"> <button type="primary" @tap="getOrient">获取设备的方向信息</button> <button type="primary" @tap="watchOrient">监听设备的方向变化</button> <button type="primary" @tap="watchStop">停止监听</button> </view> <view class="uni-textarea"> <textarea :value="value" /> </view> </view> </view> </template> <script> var id = null export default { data() { return { title: 'orientation', value: '' } }, methods: { getOrient: function () { var that = this; plus.orientation.getCurrentOrientation(function (o) { that.value = "alpha:" + o.alpha + " beta:" + o.beta + " gamma:" + o.gamma; }, function (e) { console.log("获取失败:" + e.message); }); }, watchOrient: function () { var that = this; if (id) { return; } id = plus.orientation.watchOrientation(function (o) { that.value = "监听设备方向变化信息 " + "alpha:" + o.alpha + " beta:" + o.beta + " gamma:" + o.gamma; }, function (e) { plus.orientation.clearWatch(id); id = null; console.log("监听失败:" + e.message); }); }, watchStop: function () { if (id) { plus.orientation.clearWatch(id); id = null; } else { console.log("没有监听设备方向变化"); } } } } </script> <style> </style> |