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<template> <view> <page-head :title="title"></page-head> <view class="uni-padding-wrap uni-common-mt"> <view class="uni-textarea"> <textarea :value="value" placeholder="语音识别内容展示区域" disabled /> </view> <view class="uni-common-mt uni-btn-v"> <button type="primary" @tap="startRecognize">开始语音识别</button> <button type="primary" @tap="startRecognizeEnglish">开始语音识别(英语)</button> </view> </view> </view> </template> <script> import permision from "@/common/permission.js" export default { data() { return { title: 'speech', value: '' } }, onUnload(){ this.value = "" }, methods: { async startRecognize () { // #ifdef APP-PLUS let status = await this.checkPermission(); if (status !== 1) { return; } // #endif // TODO ios 在没有请求过权限之前无法得知是否有相关权限,这种状态下需要直接调用语音,会弹出正在识别的toast var options = {}; var that = this; options.engine = 'baidu'; that.value = ""; plus.speech.startRecognize(options, function (s) { console.log(s); that.value += s; }, function (e) { console.log("语音识别失败:" + e.message); }); }, async startRecognizeEnglish () { // #ifdef APP-PLUS let status = await this.checkPermission(); if (status !== 1) { return; } // #endif // TODO ios 在没有请求过权限之前无法得知是否有相关权限,这种状态下需要直接调用语音,会弹出正在识别的toast var options = {}; var that = this; options.engine = 'baidu'; options.lang = 'en-us'; that.value = ""; plus.speech.startRecognize(options, function (s) { console.log(s); that.value += s; }, function (e) { console.log("语音识别失败:" + e.message); }); } // #ifdef APP-PLUS , async checkPermission() { let status = permision.isIOS ? await permision.requestIOS('record') : await permision.requestAndroid('android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO'); if (status === null || status === 1) { status = 1; } else if (status === 2) { uni.showModal({ content: "系统麦克风已关闭", confirmText: "确定", showCancel: false, success: function(res) { } }) } else { uni.showModal({ content: "需要麦克风权限", confirmText: "设置", success: function(res) { if (res.confirm) { permision.gotoAppSetting(); } } }) } return status; } // #endif } } </script> <style> </style> |